Category Archives: Storytelling

Stories Show, Facts Tell

I skip most ads and commercials. All of us do. This one was different.

Zack‘s story helps us imagine (if only for a moment) life without instant access or a community of experts at our fingertips. This story shows.

Google could have said, “the internet can make your life better through easy access to information, connectedness to other people, and the ability to share your knowledge.”


Bullets points never illuminate like a story can.

There’s a big difference between presenting facts and sharing a story. We need more stories, not more facts.

3 Ways To Make this Arby’s Commerical Better

Not a big fan of this commercial. It’s bad and I’m tired of watching it. Here are three ways they could have made it better.

Show what people are seeing on the iPad.
The version of the commercial above doesn’t show it, but during the TV version, Bo shows random passerby’s on the street the Subway factory machines that are slicing the meat. The people are horrified! I want to see this shocking footage too. Wouldn’t it be more effective–and memorable–to show the actual machine cutting the block of meat? It’s easier to disbelieve that the footage is shocking when you can’t even see it. Show me.

Show a real person (with a smile) slicing Arby’s meat.
If the WHOLE POINT of the commercial is to show that real people slice your meat fresh, why would you only show their hands slicing it?! Show the real person slicing, making the sandwich, and serving a real person. What a missed opportunity. I can’t make eye-contact with your hands.

Change the focus of this entire commercial.
(Let’s not even mention the fact that a former NYC detective does nothing to inspire my confidence in the standards of the freshness of food.) Whenever you compare to someone else, instead of talking about what you believe in, you miss out. There is always someone else. Don’t be distracted. Tell me what your company stands for.

Sorry Bo Dietl and lonely eagle screech. Not inspired.