What To Write About

I write every day. While I don’t publish something on this site each day, between here, here, and here, I rarely miss a day.

People sometimes ask, “What should I write about?” or “what kinds of stuff should I post?” or even “I’m not really a writer, I don’t know much about this or that, and it’s hard” (spoiler alert: The last one’s not really a question. It’s an excuse).

Here are some tips:

Write about what interests you.
Write about what you’ve learned so far.
Explore something you’re curious about.
Write what you know.
Write what you don’t know.
(Don’t be afraid to) write about what excites you.
Explain how you solved a problem or found an answer.
Tell a story.
Write about someone you look up to.
Share something hard you went through.

Be honest. Be generous (I sometimes ask myself, “what can I write that will give to someone else?”). In the end, just write a lot. And then write some more.

There’s no magic formula. I don’t always know what to write about either. I show up and get to work and write every day.

The most important part is to care. In the words of Steve Jobs, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” If you keep working hard at what you love, the words will come. And we need more people who love what they do.

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